Erik Ragsdale | Principal investigator
Alexander von Humboldt Fellow (2011–2013)
Postdoc, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology (2010–2014)
Ph.D., University of California, Riverside (2009)
BIOL-L111 Foundations in Biology: Diversity, Evolution, and Ecology
BIOL-L505 Evolution of Development
BIOL-L506 Systematics
Nick Levis | Postdoctoral researcher
Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
[website] |
Justin Bryant | Ph.D. candidate, GCDB program
Canalization mechanisms in polyphenism
Stephen Dreyer | Ph.D. candidate, EEB program
Genetic variation and divergence of polyphenism
Eleni Katsougia | Ph.D. candidate, EEB program
Nuclear receptors in polyphenism regulation
Michael Cherba | Research assistant
Nematode husbandry
Odessa Lyon | Research assistant
Nematode husbandry
Sammy Connors | Research undergraduate
Nuclear receptors in polyphenism
Rose Nicholson | Barry Goldwater scholar
Trait integration in polyphenism
Lauren Silcox | Research undergraduate
Diversity of North American Pristionchus
Department of Biology
Indiana University
915 E. 3rd Street, Myers Hall 100
Bloomington, IN 47405, USA

"Nematodes with teeth"