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Erik Ragsdale
Erik Ragsdale

Erik Ragsdale | Principal investigator


Alexander von Humboldt Fellow (2011–2013)
Postdoc, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology (2010–2014)
Ph.D., University of California, Riverside (2009)

BIOL-L111 Foundations in Biology: Diversity, Evolution, and Ecology
BIOL-L505 Evolution of Development
BIOL-L506 Systematics

Nick Levis

Nick Levis

Nick Levis | Postdoctoral researcher

Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill


Justin Bryant

Justin Bryant

Justin Bryant | Ph.D. candidate, GCDB program

Canalization mechanisms in polyphenism

Stephen Dreyer

Stephen Dreyer

Stephen Dreyer | Ph.D. candidate, EEB program

Genetic variation and divergence of polyphenism

Eleni Katsougia

Eleni Katsougia

Eleni Katsougia | Ph.D. candidate, EEB program

Nuclear receptors in polyphenism regulation

Figure showing beetle development

Figure showing beetle development

Michael Cherba | Research assistant

Nematode husbandry

Figure showing mouth cells of a nematode

Figure showing mouth cells of a nematode

Odessa Lyon | Research assistant

Nematode husbandry

Sammy Connors

Sammy Connors

Sammy Connors | Research undergraduate

Nuclear receptors in polyphenism

Rose Nicholson

Rose Nicholson

Rose Nicholson | Barry Goldwater scholar

Trait integration in polyphenism

Lauren Silcox

Lauren Silcox

Lauren Silcox | Research undergraduate

Diversity of North American Pristionchus

Photo montage of diplogastrid mouth morphologies

Photo montage of diplogastrid mouth morphologies

Lab alumnx




Department of Biology
Indiana University
915 E. 3rd Street, Myers Hall 100
Bloomington, IN 47405, USA


Art depicting nematodes with teeth, generated by artificial intelligence (Craiyon)

"Nematodes with teeth"


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